Nate & Heidi Lee

A glimpse into the Nate & Heidi Lee Family

My Photo
Location: Colorado

Monday, October 24, 2011


This was Katelyn and Ben's first time to Disneyland. We got to California Wednesday afternoon and headed over to Disneyland for Mickey's Halloween Party. The kids had a great time in their costumes trick or treating and going on rides. We ended the night with the firework show. On Thursday and Friday we went to Disneyland and California Adventure. It was fun that the Sorensens were there too so the kids got to see their cousins. We also celebrated Nate's birthday at Disneyland this year. This was during Rebecca's Fall break from school and we thought it would be a great time to go. It was busier than we had hoped and we are glad we went to the Halloween party since that is when we got on the most rides. We all had a great time and are looking forward to our next trip.

On our last day we took the kids to the beach. They had a great time playing in the sand and getting their feet wet.

Peter Pan
Toon Town

Lunch at Ariel's Grotto - The girls with Mulan
Rebecca with her favorite - Belle
Casey Jr. Train

Jungle Cruise (I love Katelyn's face in this picture)
Ben was thrilled to see McQueen after all the princesses :-)
On the Chew Chew Train in California Adventure

So fun to see the Sorensen's at Disneyland

We love the beach

It didn't take long for Ben to fall asleep on the plane

Monday, October 10, 2011

Katelyn and Benjamin are 4 years old!

We woke up to snow on Saturday morning which was a bummer since Katelyn got a razor scooter for her birthday. She spent the weekend riding around the house :-)
The birthday kids picked Cafe Rio for dinner and then we came home for cake and ice cream.

I thought Ben would be thrilled with the basketball hoop but I think he just wanted a scooter like his sister :-(

Katelyn asked for a Jasmine cake and Ben wanted basketball

Happy Birthday Katleyn and Benjamin. I can't believe you are 4 years old already!

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Fall colors - Kenosha Pass

We've lived in Colorado for 7 years and have never gone up to the mountians to see the fall colors. We took a road trip today up to Kenosha Pass and it was beautiful.